Yeah I'm starting to run out. For the past month it's like liquid insparation was injected into my veins (Not literally, if it did then I'd be 6 feet underground because I was panicing and screaming so much from the pain that the blood pressure blew up all of my nerves) and I was animated a few good movies. Right now I got 3 from the go, 2 of which are part of a series I'm doing and 1 is part of another series i'm doing.
And then is August, each one is either half done or almost complete and yet I don't really have the effort to animate for awhile. I've said it many times before that it was all because of the M1A1 video I made that burnt me out. And it did, for a couple months anyway I couldn't go near my Wacom Tablet.
I'm getting tired, I want to finish but I don't have that same adrenelin rush as I did before. I want to see that video that Tom recommended about that cartoonist or whatever tomorrow but does anyone have any suggestions?
I'm closing out tonight with a joke:
How do you get the cream into a Boston Cream donut?
The Muffin Man had sex with it
MY good sir,here is sopme inspiration.
<a href=""> snsbU&feature=related</a>